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Sidao News | New Year’s Greetings Series: Leaders of the Foreign Cooperation Department of the Provincial Administration of TCM came to our hospital for the families of the Second Batch of Medical Team Stationed in Oman

发布时间:2021-02-07 来源: 浏览次数:14次


New Year's Greetings Series:



On the morning of February 7, 2021, Zeng Lin, Director of the Foreign Cooperation Department of Sichuan Provincial Administration of TCM, and Wen Yuan, member of the third-level Chief Section of the Foreign Cooperation Department, came to the second Sichuan Provincial Hospital of TCM to hold a meeting for the families of the second batch of medical team members stationed in Oman. Zhang Hai, Secretary of the hospital Party committee, Xie Gang, President of the hospital and other leaders and management in charge of relevant departments attended the meeting.



Zeng Lin, Director of the Foreign Cooperation Department of Sichuan Provincial Administration of TCM


At the meeting, Zeng Lin, director of the Foreign Cooperation Department of Sichuan Provincial Administration of TCM, fully affirmed the work of  international cooperation of the hospital. She said that, entrusted by the leaders of Sichuan Provincial Administration of TCM, on behalf of Sichuan Provincial Administration of TCM, she expressed her gratitude to the members of the second batch of medical teams stationed in Oman and their families. During the pandemic, the medical team of Oman overcame many difficulties and continued to provide services for the local people according to the work arrangement of the hospital. It was of great significance to conduct communication in the spirit of the characteristic culture of traditional Chinese medicine and Sichuan Traditional Chinese medicine. At present, the medical service of traditional Chinese medicine in Oman has risen to the national level. The Provincial Administration of TCM will continue to give support to the Second Provincial Hospital of TCM. The Provincial Administration of TCM and the hospital wiill give strong support to the team members. Although the team members can not be reunited with their families this Spring Festival, our hearts still go to them.



Zhang Hai, Secretary of the Party Committee of Sichuan Second Hospital of TCM


Zhang Hai, Secretary of the Party committee of the hospital, thanked the Provincial Administration of TCM for the care and support of medical members and their families in Oman, and also thanked the families of all medical members in Afghanistan for their cooperation and dedication. Zhang said that Sichuan Provincial Administration of TCM attaches great importance to cooperation with Oman and signed the Memorandum of Exchange and Cooperation in the Field of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which gives Sichuan and Oman an opportunity for deeper friendship. In the special period of COVID-19 prevention and control, the team members remained active at their post and the hospital keeps providing full support for the front-liners, and gives out Chinese medicine "Qixiang Yiqi Jiedu Granule" to them for prevention and control. At present, the number of overseas service of the Second Provincial Hospital of TCM accounts for about two thirds of the overseas service of Sichuan Traditional Chinese medicine, and has made excellent achievements in international cooperation projects. On the basis of previous work, the second batch of medical teams in Oman has vigorously promoted the construction of "China Sichuan - Oman Medical Center of TCM", which is inseparable from the efforts of all medical members, It can't be without the support of your family.



Xie Gang, President of the hospital


Xie Gang, President of the hospital, briefed the participants on the hospital's international cooperation, and introduced the local life and work of Oman medical team members to their families.




Before the meeting, they watched the Spring Festival blessing video specially sent back by Oman medical team members, and the family members present show brilliant smiles while watching the video.




"I am Chen Honglin's family member and a member of the hospital. As a hospital employee, with the support and guarantee of the hospital's rear forces, any difficulties can be overcome. We will do a good job in medical work in both lines. As a family member, I will continue to support him and be him strong rock..."

"Thanks for the care and support of the hospital. I hope they will come back safely. We can rest assured..."

During the meeting, family members spoke one after another to express their gratitude for the concern of the hospital. Safety in foreign countries have always been a big concern in the hearts of family members. At the meeting, Zeng Lin, Zhang Hai and others gave answers to the questions of family members, which reassured the family members.




After the meeting, the family members of the team members were presented with flowers and gifts and taken a group photo.


 With the coming spring festival, we wish all the members of the medical team who are overseas for medical assistance and service a happy Spring Festival, good health, good luck and early safe return to the country!






Writing:Zhou Shiyu(Publicity Department)


Picture:Tang Zhi (Hospital General Office)


Editor: Zhou Shiyu

审稿:孔  捷

Reviewer: Kong Jie



Member of China Medical We-media·Sichuan Second Hospital of TCM









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